Thursday, December 25, 2008



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Newest Obsession[s]

For that past month or so I have acquired some new likings and obsessions, of course.

Ok so I originally was like "No I have absolutely no interest in this show.  I don't really want to watch it.." yadda ya the excuses continue. After while my really good friend would always bring up incidents that happened on the show but stop herself mid-sentence because I wouldn't get the joke.  So one night when there was absolutely nothing to do she coaxed me into watching at least one episode.....AND FROM THAT POINT ON I WAS HOOKED. I stayed up every night until 4 am trying to finish every disc.  It took me about 2 weeks because I had work and stuff but honestly, it was the best two weeks ever. I laughed my ass off every episode and I damn near cried during the emotional moments. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH FRIENDS FROM BEGINNING TO END. Best 10 years ever.

Now this one isn't an obsession (yet) but I am starting to really like this show.  House is randomly hot (weird, i know, but whatever) and he is ridiculously sarcastic and BRILLIANT.  He's low key fucked up because some stuff happened in his life which makes him sorta bitter which = his sarcasm.  Nonetheless, the show is really good and I love me some Omar Epps (Love & Basketball, The Wood...ya know, all the classics)

I had to save the best for last....

OHMYGIDDYGODGOODNESS!! Today I was watching tv with the FamBam and they had it on CNN.  Low and behold this butterscotch goodness with the creamy complexion, smile to melt hearts, voice to drop panties, eyes to mesmerize, and swagga on ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TRILLION was reporting the news. My brain said HotDiggityDamn homeboy is FOINE!
Let's discuss how amazing this man is. 
1)He's 31 (older, but young enough for me...don't judge lol)
2)A college graduate
3)He's a newscaster for CNN
4)He has a sense of humor
5)When he doesn't have to work he likes rockin jeans and shirt & he watches football and basketball
6)he is attached to his Blackberry and Ipod (a man after my own heart)
7)he likes sweets & i love to bake--so you do the math
8)he works out 5 days a week to keep that physique on POINT.

There are probably more things that are incredible about him but I just became obsessed with him like 12hrs ago.

And PLEASE BELIEVE, if I meet him in person I will try to spit game, ya digg? lol

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Concept of This Blog

So I've been looking at other blogs lately and I came to realize....
I DON'T Have A Common Theme.

I mean, when I started this the theme was centered around the magnificent Los Angeles, also known as "La-La Land" and where dreams come true. But as time progressed, I feel as if I have been throwing random crap all up an through here.

Or maybe I'm just trippin.

Either way, I guess I should say the theme for this is what's on my mind.

Does that work? Well if not, EFF WHAT YOU THINK

haha jay kaying 

p.s. i'm in a bored and playful mood.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dear Santa,

I feel as if I have been a good girl, of course there are some things that I've done that weren't so good, but overall I've been more nice than naughty.  Anywhooo, here are some things on my list for this year:

Sharp LC26SB24U Flat Screen TV with DVD player:

Hermes Lotus Pendant


So Santa (or can I call you Tha Homie Claus?), is it possible for me to get all of these things for Christmas? or at least 3 of them? 

I would greatly appreciate it! =)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I guess it is in your genes...

Scientists have found out that with a DNA test, you can determine what sports your child would excel at.  

Click HERE for the article.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hot Older Men

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think these older men are SUPER scrumptious:

CNN's Anderson Cooper (aka The Silver Fox)

Dr. Drew Pinsky from MTV's Celebrity Rehab and Sex with Mom and Dad

George Clooney

Colin Farrell

Brad Pitt


Pharrell Williams

Daniel Sunjata

Bruce Willis

and my #1 FAVORITE older hottie is. . .

That's right. Will Smith. THE Fresh Prince. I honestly think he looks sexier with age.  And how adorable of a husband and father is he? Gosh, I love him so much lol

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I just LOVE these two!
Drake in the December 2008 VIBE magazine
Hello people.
So I've been unbelievably busy since I made the last post in the early AM of the marvelous day that goes down in history, better known as November 4th, 2008 the day BARACK OBAMA became the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!!! woo hoo!!! ANYWHOOO, so I've been studying my ass off and working on projects and essays for the past month because, hey, I gotsta do well in the scholastics department, ya digg? 

Sorry for talking oddly, I'm just in an odd mood. lol. Ok so it's time to play catch up.  Here is what has been happening directly and indirectly in my life:
1. Barack Obama became president
2. I finally visited home after so long
3. I realized who my best friend is, even though i've known that for years but I put things into perspective and have an understanding of who I can and cannot trust
4. I'm still very much obsessed with Drake
5. Drake keeps coming out with hot shit, so don't be the last to know
6. Christmas is almost here (my favorite time of year!)
7. annd still single...not so exciting lol

Ya, that was pretty much just a list of personal things.  I am going to get personal on here from time to


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 4th 2008

Today is one of the most monumental days in history.  To be able to have the final decision be between a black man and a white man for the role of presidency is unbelievable.  I am so nervous as to what the result will be.  In case you didn't know, I am pro Obama.  Not because I'm black but because of the principles he stands for and the issues he is trying to CHANGE.  


and VOTE NO ON 8!  Seriously guys, no one should be told who they can and cannot marry.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Funniest Blog EVER

This blog is beyond hilarious.  There are pictures from clubs of people in horrible outfits and even pictures of people taking horrible pics of themselves (like half naked next to a toilet full of poo).

Seriously, I've been looking at this for 45 minutes and can't stop laughing.  It's harsh but you know that your saying the same thing in your head.


Everyday, I continuously reflect on the events that had transpired that day (and sometimes earlier on).  I generally like to analyze what happened to see if I went wrong somewhere or if I did something right.  Well this weekend was full of self reflection and analyzing friendships, and I came to a conclusion:  You will have people smile in your face and stab you in the back.  I know that's an age old saying but it became more apparent to me with someone who I had considered a close (actually, a best) friend.  When you ever have an inclination that something is wrong with a friendship or how you are being treated, chances are, there is something wrong. 

The old me would automatically eliminate this person out of my life but because I have gotten older and smarter I realize it's best to just be cordial and move on with my day and just know that I can't trust that person--ever.  But hey, sh*t happens.  I'm actually not mad or sad even though I thought I would be.  I think I realized that everything our friendship was based upon was on lies.  Therefore, I can't feel sad about me separating myself. 

Sorry to get all emo-esque and what not but I felt the need to express this because it's a common part of life that everyone goes through at least once in their lives.

So ya...

Friday, October 31, 2008


HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I love holidays where I can get dressed up..hell, I just love themed parties/days/whatever!  I also love this day because you can dress in clothes a little shorter than normal (mmkay that sounded whorish, but i'm not a whore, i swear lol) and the candy! Well, i'm still trying to figure out what I shall wear tonight when out on the town so imma bounce....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jennifer Hudson & Family

My heart goes out to the Hudsons during this tragic time.  For those of you who are unaware, Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and nephew have been murdered.  All of this happened this weekend.  
To read about what happened CLICK HERE & HERE.

Guitar Hero World Tour

This is one of my favorite commercials out right now simply because the oh-so FINE & HOTT Kobe Bryant, A-Rod, and Michael Phelps (oh yeah, and Tony Hawk) are wearing b-ball shorts/boxers/speedos.  And because I like Guitar Hero...and now that I can play the drums on there i'm super stoked! lol

Happy Birthday Drake!

His birthday is actually October 24th, but I have been out of town and away from a computer this past weekend....but it's never too late to celebrate!
The loveable and amazing Heart Break Drake has turned 22!  Congratulations on your success thus far and I hope for many more amazing things happen to you! And because I cannot sing for ish, here is a Happy Birthday sung by the one and only Drake ! (just replace the Karla parts with Drake and it'll all be good. lol)
* Most images taken from Drake's myspace or blog.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

High School Yearbook Photo. . .?

Lately all of my friends have been taking this "old yearbook pictures" on but I had forgotten the site.  So the Google loving person that I am looked up online 'high school yearbook picture'....and this is what came up lol. 

The site that I got it from says that's similar to what happened to them but this was under the category of "Best High School Yearbook Photo Ever".  Now we don't know if this is really a yearbook photo..but damn.  This is ridiculous.  Here is everything wrong with this photo: 1) They are topless 2) Homeboy has the bleached, gelled, and brushed forward hairstyle that Eminem rocked over a decade ago 3) THIS CHICK IS PREGGERS!

WTF where they thinking?!?! And to be smiling like this is normal!! *SMH*

How To Deal With A Roommate

This post is specifically for those who did not (or did) choose their roommate for college.  Let's say things started off alright and then all of a sudden you realize you have roomed with a crazy person or someone who plainly gets on your nerves or pisses you off.  Here are some steps that I hope you find helpful in this situation:

1. Approach the roommate in the least threatening manner to discuss the issues you have.  Remember, don't be condescending.  That's offensive and most people don't like to be talked down to.

2. After addressing the issues with your roommate and no changes have occurred, inform your RA (residential advisor).  They can give you advice and possibly mediate an argument to help you find a happy medium.

3. If things still haven't gotten better and you hate being in the room the same time as your roommate or whenever you see them you want to beat the crap out of them, it's best to alert the RD (resident director) or housing.

4. The best thing you can do at this point is to move out (or maybe if your roommate doesn't like you either and wants to go somewhere else, they can move to another dorm).

Hopefully this is helpful.  Just remember to be calm, cool, and collected and don't be an asshole towards them.  That can only make the situation worse.  Plus, you don't know if your roommate is psychotic and will do things to you....i'm just putting that out there because ish like that happens. lol

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brandon Hines

Brandon Hines is an excellent singer and his music is that kind of feel good type stuff.  To listen to him click HERE.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Girl Talk - Feed The Animals

I know I'm late with posting this (once again, as always) but you should really download/purchase this album.  It's such an "i'm so effin pumped i can't stop dancing" type cd.
Loves it.

Cop it HERE.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grown Adults Are Not Allowed To. . .

Have sidekicks.

These little gadgets are for teens, not for grown ass people.  If you want all of the cool features of this phone (such as internet, AIM, various email accounts) you NEED to upgrade to a Blackberry.  I'm saying that this is for the adults, not for kids.

I'm not going to lie, I loved the sidekicks when they first came out but that was like, what, 5 years ago? 

To put it simply: If you are around 21+ (I would start at 18, but some people are still in high school at that age) do not carry with you a sidekick. UPGRADE YOUR SELF TO A BLACKBERRY.

Ta Ta for now.

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Getting Late

It's about 2:52 AM.

We were supposed to be done by 3 AM, but we finished at 11 PM (how badass is that!).

So then we celebrated....and now I have to wake up and be ready to complete all the hard work by 9:15 AM.

Let's see how that goes.

Friday, September 19, 2008

For the Future

I am officially back to being busy and swamped with tons to do.  I will not be able to post as often so this is going to be my hiatus.  When exciting and amazing things happen, I will post and keep you updated and fill in the gaps.

Until then, 

All of My Hard Work

September 26th

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crazy Girl on the Train

Woooooow.  She went off on an old lady, and then got bitched out by a man.  She shoulda kept her mouth shut!

Virginity For Sale

So now people are willing to pay to take people's virginity?  I wonder how many more people will do this. 

The Knux

Beer Makes People Look Good. . . ?

Sucks for her

Down Spiraling Youth

I know this is months old but I had to put it up.  

It's funny and sad at the same time....especially when acts up again.
Really? Over some chicken wings??


This is completely unacceptable.  I don't know if this child's mother is the one filming this or an older sister--either way, it's not funny.  Throwing up the middle finger (on both hands) wasn't a cute addition to it whatsoever. 

The part that got me was when the girl paused to ask "Can I say the 'd-word'?" WTF? You just said every possible profane word known in the english dictionary.  Not to mention this little kid can't even spell to save her life; she spelled it "V-A-L-Y" and the woman behind the camera asks "What does that spell?" and she responded "Bitch!"

Apparently someone is teaching her how to say this stuff.  To be honest, they need to purchase some Hooked on Phonics as well as teach her how to spell rather than have her memorize profanity.  

And don't you just love how she said "nigga" at the end and covered her mouth like she knew she was wrong?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Inspirational Quotes

They handed these out at the Glow in The Dark tour (I didn't get to go, but my friends gave this to me).  It's a brightly colored spiral bound quote book that will enlighten you.  It gives a quote and an explanation.  After reading this I gained a stronger appreciation for Kanye and his geniusness.  
Here are two of my many favorite quotes in the book:

To most people, the saying "to use someone" carries a negative connotation, but I don't see it that way.  To 'mis', 'over' or 'ab' use someone is negative.  To use is necessary and if you can't be used...then you're useless." 

"I would rather be HATED for who I am than LOVED for who i'm not."

If you are interested in purchasing this book, click HERE.